Trend Web + web magazines
It is necessary to realise — that actually and works in usual business, actually and works in on-line business. For example, where in an offline you scoop the information on events in the world, in your field of activity?
Correctly — from the correspondence: newspapers, magazines... Correspondence the large quantity, but is far not all is noteworthy from the target audience on a number of criteria. In online all is absolute as — there is a large quantity of thematic editions, but not at all from them quality of the information at worthy level, unfortunately, is far.
In the given survey article I have selected the best online the editions publishing exclusively qualitative information on design, web working out and all volume that is connected with the world the Internet. As a result, is glad to put 20 thematic high-quality online of the edition.
Certainly, any editions to someone from already well-known, any are not present. Walk on the offered resources, look through... You for certain will find for yourselves something rather interesting.
Saturday, March 14, 2009