Social network MySpace, having finished the transaction on purchase of service Developers have not warned that their creations will be blocked, informs ReadWriteWeb.
The future integration
Let's remind, that social network MySpace, despite crisis and reductions of regional divisions, has taken a great interest in purchase of musical portals. So, in August they have bought service iLike. And in November have decided to get Imeem, existing since 2003 and recently hardly making ends meet.
Yesterday the transaction on purchase Imeem has come to the end: 16 million users and the appendix have been got for the sum less than 1 million dollars. Buyers have promised "the next weeks" to integrate that good, that is at Imeem, in musical services MySpace.
API service is closed without the prevention
Also did not begin to lose time, having closed API service Imeem for developers without the prevention. Among victims, in particular, there was service, one of the most popular musical appendices for Twitter. Mobile appendices for iPhone and Android though are accessible on iTunes, too at the moment are not capable.