Technical parametres for WordPress:
1. Presence and version of PHP 4.3 or higher.For certain all know, that WordPress very exacting to resources of a server of a web hosting but if your blog has less than 1,000 visitors a day, you can not worry about this problem at all.
2. The fresh version & quantity of MySQL databases (4.0 or higher).
3. A server and modules for a blog hosting.
4. Volume of disk space for WordPress CMS.
5. Memory and the time processor.
The hosting should have the fast data link!
Is important — the blog should be loaded as soon as possible. As informs HostGator WordPress Review about choice of the best hosting company: "Important role in speed of loading of a blog is defined by quality of intermediate servers through which the information transfer from a hosting to the user is carried out."Hosting for WordPress should be as much as possible stable!
The main competent stability of any authoritative WordPress Hosting is a trouble-free work in a round-the-clock regime. In practice even the most authoritative hosting's sometimes give failure and become inaccessible any time. The stable Uptime is equaled on the average 99,9%.The hosting company should have a feedback with a hosting support service!
It's very important point, and for blog start up, and for professional bloggers. In the average and expensive price category, all hostings give a possibility maximum operatively to solve a question or a problem (phone, e-mail, ISQ, Skype etc.). But, in a low price category, more often, web-hosting providers are limited to the contacts form and e-mail.The hosting company should give the test period with possibility of refusal and the refund. The given service still is called the MoneyBack. The period should be not less than 5 days (is better 10 and thus without additional payments, for example in the Bluehost WordPress Review is promised of 100% MoneyBack). If, something will not suit you — you should have possibility to return the money and to refuse services of the given hosting provider.Often hosting of the company gives a bonus — the free domain if you pay an advance payment for a year or more. The bonus is good, if you are assured of the hosting provider and precisely will take places henceforth on this hosting all paid period.