speaking of maps (sort of)i have decided i may try my hand at printmaking. of course, this will come after the 27 things before it, added to my "things i'd like to try" list. but, i did go so far as to buy a book on screen and lino block printmaking. cool. if ever i do it. i came across a very interesting recent printmaking project: the 2007 periodic table of elements, featuring "96 printmakers of all experience levels, have joined together to produce 118 prints in any medium; woodcut, linocut, monotype, etching, lithograph, silkscreen, or any combination. the end result is a periodic table of elements intended to promote both science and the arts." and back to maps, sort of. one of my favorite etsy artists is stephanie mohr, of TEPImade. her printmaking process is very interesting, and often the background images of her pieces include beautifully stylized vintage map illustrations. here is her print for thulium:
and here are a few more that i really like from the project: selenium by jon gregorychromium by kate nydam of nydam press osmium by annie swincinski of sweet annie jeanne