i adore block printing, and, having purchased a book by lotta jansdotter on the subject, am one step closer to experimenting. i found a simple tutorial on jezzeblog that i have abbreviated for this post. to see more detailed directions, go here.
- draw the design onto tracing paper and transfer onto the linoleum block with carbon paper
- cut the outline of the design using lino- or wood-cutting tools (she recommends a v-gouge)
- clear the bigger areas (she recommends u-gouges)
- roll fabric paint out with a foam roller and apply lightly to cut block; carefully remove paint from areas not meant to print
- handle block by the edges, flip, and carefully apply to fabric; apply pressure with your hand if it's a small block or a clean roller if it's larger
- lift the block straight off the print
- if you have planned a repeating pattern, then repeat :)
the ink should dry quickly, but the fabric still needs to be cured for washing. iron the print from the back of the fabirc. wash, and you're done! yay!