my friend jackie, of the wonderful blog peppermags, sent me a link to an apartment therapy article on a wallpaper pinhole project by heather smith jones and it's stunning! for over a year heather has been envisioning this project, and began last october. she's a pinhole artist (piercing paper with a needle, one hole at a time) and, fascinated with the history of wallpaper, had the brilliant idea to apply her art to the craft of creating wallpaper.
from her website, a statement on her technique: "five years ago i began the pinhole technique as i was researching australian aboriginal art. i translated their use of painted dots by piercing tiny needle sized holes through paper to create pattern, text, and image. to me, this slow, repetitive process reflects constancy and yet the fleeting nature of time. combining the pinhole’s specificity with symbiotic ways of painting, i feel i can discover and reveal meaning. "
to see more images of this and other projects, visit her flickr page. she's also chronicled her work on her blog.