swings. photosi make it a point to stop by my neighborhood park and go for a swing at least a couple of times a week. when i was young i used to show off on the playground with my swinging skills. i had this routine that i practiced and practiced, involving several different swinging positions (standing, upside down) - i think i may have wanted to be a trapeze artist and this was my compromise. the best part of the routine was the dismount, and i had it perfected. one day, i called all the teachers and students over to watch me perform, and it was awesome - smooth and seamless and very very impressive. until the dismount. i was so excited, i think, by the cheers of approval that i lost my concentration and missed (ever so slightly) my cue to release. fast forward to minutes later when i awake to the school nurse crying over me, wet rags on face, teachers fanning me, sparkly-colored vision with sunlight blinding. i'm pretty sure the school nurse was just someone's mom - not sure she knew what to do. but, eventually i was fine. and i still love a good swing. and i just might go to the park right now and try that dismount again. untitled by fernandadesu swings by celeoeste84 swing by oceanT swing, bondi village by heather