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sustainable living find of the day: re:vision

urban re:vision is a revolutionary initiative to create the prototype for an innovative, sustainable urban community. at the heart of the process is a series of contests generating visionary ideas for what can and should be in the design about urban space.
i am so inspired by this project! not sure if you know this, but i am the director of development for a nonprofit watershed organization, and much of our energy right now is focused on collaborative work to promote and implement sustainable development/green building. i live in an area where, fortunately, this movement has some real momentum and i'm excited to be a part of it.
the current competition for urban re:vision is a challenge to transform one city block in dallas to be the most sustainable city block imaginable. and beyond ideas, this is an actual urban building project supported by the mayor and in conjunction with real developers. winners will receive cash prizes and their ideas will be considered for purchase (and potential hire) by the lead developer, central dallas cdc. really quite incredible!
{via inhabitat}