Slot machine and roulette belongs to the 1st category where you truly can win because your profit are mostly depended on destiny (or karma/fate/luck). Allow me to give the short characteristic about play online slots.
The slot machine
The slot machines (or «one-armed gangsters») have been invented for girlfriends or wives of gambling men, because those professional gambling players found it really difficult to concentrate and calculate (for example in poker game, Black Jack) due to the presence of their girl-friends.
This fascinating and extremely simple game has a truly high profit potential and is one of the most interesting and remunerative games in casino. All know, that one-armed gangsters (or casino games slot machines) generate greatest possible revenue, than any other gambling. It is the checked up fact!
This is absolutely other gambling, which created many a of noise (examply: «Russian roulette» & «Fear and Loathing in Las-Vegas») and is generally surrounded by constant crowd, especially in real offline casinos. Fact, — in casinos, — the high-end graphical action compensates the any noise effects.
A fate wheel is divided in 37 (or 38) sections, where 36 sections are occupied by any numbers and the only one (or two) sections are occupied by Zero(s). As the main croupier spins the fate wheel, he (or she) rolls out a dice (or decides your destiny). When the roulette wheel stops, the winner is defined. Thus, a prize in a roulette not only in your hands.