Make your site readable and make sure your lines aren’t too long for the reader to follow. Put the text into a fixed-width table or use a sideboard to the left and right of the main text. It is important to have a navigation tree on each page of the site so you don’t have to look for different parts of the website without any idea where to go. In order to make reading easier, use bold type, a different color text or larger font when treating titles and subtitles or emphasizing a word or a portion of the text.
Make your links easily distinguishable, in blue or underlined, or both. Refrain from underlining for emphasis, use it to delineate links only. Minimize clicking and scrolling by presenting maximum information on the page. Break up long text with good graphics (images, subheadings, quotations, etc.).
All these tips are basic and you can come up with more of your own but it’s a good start. That is why it would be a great idea to contact one of the New York web development companies which has have many yea experience of working in this sphere. The employ the lates achievement in technology such as online project management software which makes possible to save much time and money.