what inspires your work? the inspiration for my work is definitely derived from nature and animals. i am endlessly fascinated by the earth and natural life forms. i grew up in new york city and spent the summers at my cottage in upstate new york. i would spend hours outdoors in endless delight and have since traveled the world on a quest to learn more about nature and different landscapes.
would you share a bit about your creative process? i tend to see the image first and then put it down onto paper as opposed to discovering the image as i go along. i usually don't sit at my drafting table, until an idea is fully formed. i work with a variety of materials, but airbrush inks, watercolors, markers and fine mechanical pencils are my staples.
describe your workspace. lots of light! as for my desk, it is always tidy and i am very meticulous about having clean surfaces to work on. around me, there is an abundance of ephemera that i have found on nature walks and personal notes and photographs that inspire me nearby.
as an aspiring independent artist, was there any advice you received or any lessons learned that you’d like to pass on to other hopefuls? i saw a great sign once driving through new jersey. it read, "free beer tomorrow." i laughed so hard when i read it. it's so true. if you live like there is a tomorrow, then you can slack on what you can accomplish today. if you throw your hat over the fence, you will always find a way to get it, let it go or transform it. take a risk. follow your heart. you'll always wonder about the things you didn't do, not the things that you actually did.
thank you so much, jacqueline! it's been such a great pleasure. readers, remember to leave a comment below, and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a surprise assortment of 4 screech owl design cards. the winner will be announced on friday, april 5 at 2pm cst. good luck!