Large Internet platforms, such as Amazon,, and have appeared on December, 23rd are inaccessible owing to DDoS-attack of DNS-server UltraDNS by unknown malefactors. About it writes Data Center Knowledge.
The DNS-server is attacked!
The DNS-server is responsible for transformation of a domain name to the Internet address. In case the DNS-server works under the big loading, the inquiry can not be carried out or out very long, braking transition to loading of the site.
By the evening on December, 23rd to the USA site Amazon was loaded very slowly, and hosting Amazon S3 worked with failures, writes Cnet news. Though in Amazon asserted, that access is complicated only at the western coast USA, representatives informed on inaccessibility of their site worldwide.
DDoS-attack on Network Solutions
It not the first case when because of malfunctions on a DNS-server out of operation there is a set of Internet resources. So, hundred thousand sites have slowed down at some o'clock the work on January, 23rd when DDoS-attack to company Network Solutions DNS-server has been organised. On April, 1st, 2009 DDoS-attack has put out of action server UltraDNS.