American noncommercial human rights organisation Electronic Frontier Foundation has risen on protection of confidentiality of the given users of social networks. Members of the organisation have brought an action against some American ministries in connection with use of social networks by the last in the work, informs ReadWriteWeb.
Infringement of human rights
Under distribution six departments of the USA with all agencies entering into their structure and services have got: the Ministry of Defence, the central intelligence service, department of safety of the native land, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and others.
In claim EFF affairs and investigations which it was carried out by means of social resources like Facebook, My Space or YouTube are mentioned. In particular, legal experts recollect history of fugitive from justice Maksi Sopo which have tracked down in the Mexican Cancun thanks to the status in Facebook and to that the criminal had nonsense to add in friends to the former employee of Ministry of Justice of the USA.It is mentioned and Twitter — this social network of civil service used during the summit of "the big twenty» more densely to communicate to instigators of protest actions. We will remind, to the inhabitant of New York Elliot Madison in October of current year have brought accusations in criminal use of communication media. And all because he participated in protest action in the first day of summit G-20i with the help «Twitter» communicated with other "Protestants".
Infringement of the law on information freedom
According to Electronic Frontier Foundation, servants of the American people have a little overdone, illegally using personal data of simple people. The organisation has every chance to achieve a recognition of actions of the ministries the illegal.